My Story

I’m a former English teacher with over 5 years of experience working in education. I have a background in curriculum design and a Master’s in Communications, both of which inspired me to change careers from education to design in 2021. 

Today, I’m a graphic designer with 3+ years of experience inspired by communication design. I’m passionate about storytelling and translating complex information into pleasant experiences. I believe that all design has the power to elevate our lives and foster meaningful connections.

Things I


I’m a deeply curious person obsessed with stories in all forms. I’m always analyzing a story’s composition and greater significance.


I took up painting back in 2020 and I instantly fell in love. This newer passion definitely influenced my career shift.

Dance Music

I’m a big fan of electronic dance music. While designing, you can always find me listening to house music.


I love reading fiction and I’m usually reading multiple books at a time. Favorite genres: horror/ thriller, romance, fantasy, & literary fiction.